Once you might have tried to take a sip of a drink or food
that you like and immediately you feel a sharp pain in your teeth. If this
scenario sounds familiar, it means that you have sensitive teeth, whether it’s
a hot or cold dish or drink. There are a few factors that trigger this, such as
receding gums, teeth whitening, decay, and even genetics. While you should see
your Roseburg dentist for a bit of help on how to combat this, this article
will talk about a few ways to get rid of this, and how to easily do so.
The first thing to do, is change your toothpaste. Make sure
it’s one used for sensitive teeth. It will say so on the label, and if it
doesn’t, check for the ingredient potassium nitrate, which is used to help
fight tooth sensitivity and stop your pain. Use that, and make sure you use a
mouth rinse that has stannous fluoride in it to help desensitize the teeth

You should also look at how you brush your teeth. Sure, you
might be using materials made for tooth sensitivity, but if you’re brushing
wrong it’ll just make it hurt more. Make sure that you’re using a soft-bristled
toothbrush, and make sure you’re not putting any force on it or aggressively
brushing. If you brush aggressively, you’re going to further damage the enamel,
and that will only make your tooth sensitivity worse. You won’t be helping
yourself if you do that.
Next, avoid the acidic foods and drinks. These include
coffee and citrus fruits. While these might be good for you, they actually will
break down the enamel further, which in turn will create tooth sensitivity and
make it way worse. you should try to avoid eating these altogether. While it is
hard to give up coffee, you should definitely limit the exposure to all of
these foods and drinks. If you do have these, make sure you drink through the
straw to help limit your contact with it. If you do have these, try to drink a
glass of milk or even some water to neutralize the acids and make the pain a
lot less too.

Another strange sensitivity solution that you might want to
consider is wearing a mouthguard. Sometimes, if your teeth are sensitive
because you grind your teeth, it’ll make the problem worse if you don’t take
care of the trauma. What you should do, I get a mouth guard, whether it be a
custom one, or even one that you can get from the store. The custom ones are a
bit more expensive, but they are molded to your smile, which will give you some
cushioning and will also protect your teeth from any sort of grinding. If
you’re not sure that you grind at night, look at the symptoms, such as a
constant, severe headache, an unexplained jaw ache, and even the way your teeth
look, especially if they’re worn-down. You should check with your dentist to
see if this is something that you should consider and do what you feel is best
if necessary.

Finally, speaking of the dentist, you should go see them. If
you haven’t, do so right away, and be sure to visit every six months so that
you can get a treatment plan that works for you. If it’s due to gum disease or
the like, then get a scaling or further treatment as needed. If the causes are
genetics and can’t be changed, then you should find out means to help cope with
this. Remember, your Roseburg dentist is there to help you, and you’ll
definitely want to see them if you continue to suffer from this.
Having pain from your teeth and sharp sensitivity isn’t fun,
but by seeing your dentist and trying any of these remedies, you’ll be able to
get the best results possible, and help to reduce it. It’s very hard to fully
get rid of it, but if you take care of your body and try to ensure that you
don’t aggravate it, you’ll be able to feel better, and hopefully limit your
pain as a result of these actions.